Start funding appeal. I’m scared we won’t make it through the other end. Overwhelmed by food donations on Monday morning. Cry. Then the Morgan family appear and quickly become part of the team - literally life savers. This week brings some unusual situations & requests - flowers for grave (we have a potted plant) - she cries; it’s Joshua`s birthday (we have a cake); street people have a dance on Tuesday morning, we do Christmas Day on Wednesday (complete with crackers, tinsel & paper hats), request for paint as household going mad (of course we have it); another request for cake from a tearful mum (yes got it), even emergency dental care (of course we can help), Gloria, Paula, Jack all need help. Caroline turns up - no coat. We give her my coat. She sits outside on the step. We tell her to go home. She comes back every day. Romanian family are starving. We meet Dean - street homeless placed in flat nearby, no support, autistic, scared. Yes, that’s me crying again. Where is everyone else? We are a tiny spec in east Leeds, but it feels like we are propping up an entire community. Saturday Breakfast get in touch. Jamie’s Ministry of food get in touch. Charlene gets in touch by Facebook - has 9 kids, not in area, can’t get hold of any support - used to come to Stay and Play. We help with that. Landsec donate £5k, local sponsor donated £5k, online appeal hits £6k with a week to go. Easter eggs get donated. Lindt want to donate.

We are exhausted!!!

1261 meals done in 5 days (and I don’t think we counted everyone). We add dried/tinned items to get people through the weekend. Dermot can’t get sweet chilli sauce and tomato purée. That’s my challenge for the weekend. Call from one of team who is homeworking has had a call from her kid’s school - another family to add to our drop offs.

I’ve learned the word furlough.

We make the decision to come in Mon- Friday even though Friday is a Bank Holiday as we can’t stand hungry kids.

What will week three bring?

Boss tells me that we have to take days off - it’s just not going to happen. Chair of MC and Finance Committee coming to visit on Thursday (the boss is trying to bring out the big guns).

For each week of the first initial lockdown, we'll be posting a new blog on what happened, how it made people feel and how your support can help - read about Covid Response - Week Three here

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