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Alternative gift

Your donation of £50 can support small-scale projects that benefit individuals, families, and the community. These projects range from water harvesting schemes, housing improvements, and training programmes mainly focusing on women, to income-generating activities. By promoting self-sufficiency in the local and broader areas, these projects provide a brighter future for the Grenadian people.

Alternative gift

The harsh reality of living with poverty on a daily basis is brought alive through the stories of people experiencing hardship first-hand. £30 would allow SVP members and staff to provide essential support and comfort from food parcels and hot meals to befriending, and advice with debt and benefits.

Alternative gift

The unfolding crisis in Ukraine has left many people struggling and fleeing the country. 

Your gift of £25 will help people who have crossed the border to our twinned country of Romania by providing the basic essentials of life, such as food, clothing, and shelter. It will also help Ukrainian refugees who have found safety in England & Wales to become self-sufficient including support for livelihoods (e.g. hardware tools), English-language lessons, educational and training courses and other basic necessities.
