Higher Education Scheme (HES)

Higher Education Scheme (HES)

Designed for undergraduate students, a limited number of medical students are sponsored each year but the majority of Higher Education Scheme students are BSc nurses or engineers.  

By sponsoring a Higher Education student, you will help open up their job opportunities, which in turn will benefit their family and wider community.

Sponsorship cost: £120 per year for 1-4 years   




We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator. Further information about how we use your money and how we work with the Fundraising Regulator is available here

Your donation will be worth a total of £480.

If you opt-in to Gift Aid this will increase the amount by a further £120, an overall total of £600.

If you are a higher rate tax payer then you may be eligible for 20% tax relief on the total value of your gift, including Gift Aid. This means the actual cost of the gift to you, after reclaiming higher rate tax, will amount to £90 per year.